Register For the 2020 H.A.M.B. Drags!
Only Pre-Registered Cars Are Allowed To Race!
The 2020 H.A.M.B. Drags have been CANCELED!!!!
To participate in the 2020 H.A.M.B. Drags you have to pre-register… We DO NOT take registations at the track. So, tell all your buddies to get their act straight and register now!! Again, if you don’t pre-register you WILL NOT be able to race.
Did I mention that you have to pre-register? I did, didn’t I? Good. I should also mention and stress that this is a traditional pre-1965 Drag race. As much as we dig modern cars that haul ass, this event is for cars that were built in the spirit of tradition. That means, we try to stay away from tube chassis cars, tubbed pro-street cars, modern wheels, and the like… Part of the registration process includes you sending us a picture of the car you are planning to race. So, if you are in doubt just send us a photo. We will be gentle.
Now on to the nitty gritty… The fee to register is $50. This gets you and your car into the track. Additional spectators are $10 each. You have two options when registering – you can register online and pay by PayPal or credit card or you can register with a check using the good ‘ole American postal system. Once you are registered and we get you processed, we will then send you a packet in the mail with everything you need to get into the track and down the strip. Rad, no?
Registering Online
Registering online is simple and easy, but it is a two step process. Here are the basics:
Step 1: Send us an email by clicking here. In that email, include a brief description of the car you would like register as well as a photo. Remember, we have to have a photo of the car you are registering before you can actually register.
Step 2: Once we have the photo and description of your car, we will send you an email with the details on how to complete and pay for your registration.
Registering By Mail
Are you one of those paranoid fellas that doesn’t trust those high falutin’ online merchants? No sweat. We got ya covered. You can register by check using this handy dandy form.
** Please note the H.A.M.B. Drags is a rain or shine event and there are no registration refunds. If it rains, we just hang out and act like hooligans.